Themes! Hot themes! Get your hot themes! We here at The Narrators’ Brain Trust bashed our ganglia together to produce our show’s themes for the entirety of 2016, and we’re thrilled to get them out into the world.
We’re hoping that when you take a gander at the list that it’ll get your story-juices flowing (those are produced by your lituitary gland, located deep within your hippocampus – trust us, we’re scientists, and you are reading this on the Internet, the last bastion of truthful information left to humans).
Once those story juices get flowing, side effects may include: rumination, handwriting, deep journaling, epiphanies, spontaneous reverie, glory-daysing, nostalgic mixtape making, and cotton mouth. If your story juices continue to flow for more than four hours, congratulations, you’re a writer. Seek the advice of a therapist and strap in for a fun ride.
If you want to tell a story in Denver or San Diego, please check out our FAQ and get in touch. If you want to see and hear the stories that these themes induce in people, please visit our Events page to find show dates and watch our Facebook page for the latest info on special events and more. Here’s to a year full of stories to come.
2016 Show Themes
JAN – Promise
FEB – DIY or Die
MAR – Ouch
APR – All Is Fair
MAY – Tongues
JUN – Ink
JUL – Pop!
AUG – Naked
SEP – Change Of Heart
OCT – Tricks
NOV – Overindulgence
DEC – Parents Just Don’t Understand