Tag: The Narrators San Diego

  • 159: Jeremy Bauer, “Hershey”

    159: Jeremy Bauer, “Hershey”

    Episode 159: Peace Corps veteran Jeremy Bauer told this story—his first ever at The Narrators—at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern in San Diego in February 2018. The theme was “Warning Signs.”

    If you are one of our podcast listeners who doesn’t live in Denver or San Diego, we want to say how much we appreciate you—thanks for listening. And please, say hello sometime via email or Facebook! We’d love to hear from you.

  • 157: Jenny Minniti-Shippey, “Cut Me Some Hair”

    157: Jenny Minniti-Shippey, “Cut Me Some Hair”

    Episode 157: Jenny Minniti-Shippey is not only one of the biggest boosters of The Narrators San Diego, she is one of our most outstanding storytellers. She told this story at the August 2017 show at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern. The theme was “Crossing Over.”

  • 155: Arthur Salm, “The Devil’s Highway”

    155: Arthur Salm, “The Devil’s Highway”

    Episode 158: Arthur Salm is the former book review editor and columnist for the San Diego Union-Tribune. He told this story at Tiger!Tiger! Tavern on 13 February 2018. The theme was “Warning Signs.”

  • 153: Richard Freeland, “Emotional Anime”

    153: Richard Freeland, “Emotional Anime”

    Episode 153: When he’s not writing product descriptions for oscilloscopes, Richard Freeland tells stories in San Diego. He told this one on 12 December 2017 at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern. The theme of the evening was “Chance.”

  • 151: Mona de Vestel, “Two Children”

    151: Mona de Vestel, “Two Children”

    Episode 151: Mona de Vestel is a writer who grew up in Brussels and now lives in San Diego. She told this story on 12 December 2017 at Tiger!Tiger! Tavern. The theme of the evening was “Chance.”

  • 149: Adam Veal, “Digging”

    149: Adam Veal, “Digging”

    Well, we’ve almost reached the end. There is just one more chance to see The Narrators in 2017—this Wednesday, 20 December at Buntport Theater in Denver. Thanks to all of you out there listening to this podcast, to the folks who have attended our live shows, and to the performers who’ve shared their stories this year.

    Today’s story comes from writer and professor Adam Veal. Adam’s story was recorded live on 14 November at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern in San Diego. The theme of the evening was “Under Your Skin.”

    We have lots of special events and announcements to share with you in the coming year, so please make sure to subscribe to this podcast and keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for all the latest details.