Tag: The Narrators Denver

  • 63: Jeff Campbell, “A Tribe Called Crush”

    63: Jeff Campbell, “A Tribe Called Crush”

    Today’s story comes from Jeff Campbell and was recorded live at our fifth anniversary show on March 18, 2015. The theme of the evening was “Symbiotes” and his story was entitled “A Tribe Called Crush.”

    Jeff Campbell has been a part of Denver’s creative community for over two decades, as a pioneering Hip Hop and spoken word artist, as well as facilitator of arts-in-education programs for Colorado’s youth in public schools. Jeff recently wrote and performed his first play, a one man show entitled “Who Killed Jigaboo Jones?” a One Man Mockumentary on the Hip Hop Industrial Complex. He also performed with The Narrators—and a bunch of puppets!—as part of a special collaboration with Off-Center at The Jones in 2014.

    Our next live event in Denver takes place tonight! We’re collaborating with The Flobots to bring you a special multi-lingual Narrators on Friday, May 29, 2015 at 8:00pm, as part of the Denver Art Museum’s Untitled Final Fridays event.

    Special thanks to Josh Johnson with engineering help on this episode. Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).


  • 62: Jan Scott-Frazier, “The Secret Sister”

    62: Jan Scott-Frazier, “The Secret Sister”

    Today’s story comes from Jan Scott-Frazier and was recorded live at our fifth anniversary show on March 18, 2015. The theme of the evening was “Symbiotes” and her story was entitled “The Secret Sister.”

    Jan is a Director, Producer, public speaker, storyteller, multimedia artist, art/creativity educator, translator and Japanese animation industry veteran who has been an invited industry guest speaker at over 250 anime, sci-fi, and comics conventions as well as visual media and broadcasting trade shows. Jan has worked at studios such as Artland (Genocyber, Bubblegum Crash) and Production IG (Ghost in the Shell, Blood), freelanced with many other studios and had her own animation studio in Thailand. Jan has written textbooks, magazine articles, technical manuals and screenplays, and translated manga. Her work has been published in 8 languages. She also founded and produced two albums for the non-profit Voices For. You can find more information about Jan on her website, janscottfrazier.com.

    Our next live event in Denver takes place on Friday, May 29, 2015 at 7:00pm, as part of the Denver Art Museum’s Untitled Final Fridays event.

    Special thanks to Josh Johnson with engineering help on this episode. Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).


  • 20 May 2015: “Nature vs. Nurture”

    20 May 2015: “Nature vs. Nurture”

    BUNTPORT, MAY 20 at 8:00PM:

    You’re living in a dystopian future without oil where everyone drives inefficient vehicles and plays propane-powered guitars. Your mother always made you wear green but purple was your thing. Sometimes you just want to sit in your underwear, licking the peanut butter lid. You’re teaching a Scandinavian boy named Oddvar how to be a grifter. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. We have an AMAZING lineup of storytellers tonight, talking about Nature vs. Nurture:

    Anna Seregina (Terrified Podcast, Bridgetown)
    Aaron Urist (Crush City)
    Jordan Wieleba (Something Fabulous)
    Anthony Crawford (Talkin’ Shop)
    Emma Weisfeld
    Katie Schluter
    MacKenzie Keller

    …and your host, Ron Doyle, wearing checkered chef pants and a look of general panic. We’ll have beer and wine available for donation (bring cash). See you there!

    717 Lipan Street

  • Janae Burris, “My Shams of Tabriz”

    Janae Burris, “My Shams of Tabriz”


    Episode 61: Today’s story comes from Janae Burris and was recorded live at our fifth anniversary show on March 18, 2015. The theme of the evening was “Symbiotes” and her story was entitled “My Shams of Tabriz.”

    Janae is a Los Angeles native turned Denver transplant who has been performing standup, sketch and improv comedy for over a decade. Janae earned a bachelor of fine arts from California Institute of the Arts and worked for several years as an actor in Southern Californa. She has taught acting and improv comedy at Performing Arts Workshops, Oak View Middle School and Columbia College Hollywood. You can follow her @negativenegro on Instagram and Twitter.

    Our next live event in Denver takes place at Buntport Theater on May 20, 2015 at 8:00pm. The theme of the evening will be “Nature vs. Nurture.” See you there!

    Special thanks to Josh Johnson with engineering help on this episode. Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).


    The Narrators turned five years old in March, so I wanted to take a moment and acknowledge that milestone—and all of you, for being such loyal fans of this show. Thanks to Buntport Theater, all of our generous sponsors, and all of the crazy talented organizations with whom we’ve collaborated over the last five years.

    Last summer, Robert Rutherford moved to San Diego and I took his place as co-host of the show. Andrew Orvedahl’s television series, “Those Who Can’t,” was picked up by TruTV, so he will be spending a lot more time in Los Angeles now and has stepped away from daily involvement with The Narrators.

    So that leaves me and my new co-host, Erin Rollman, holding the reigns here in Denver. Erin is a founding member of Buntport Theater, our home venue, and she’s one of the most brilliant, creative minds I’ve ever encountered. We’re totally lucky to have her.

    Robert is launching a new chapter of The Narrators in San Diego, which should debut this year, with his partner Mary Robertson. We now have a syndicated series with Audible.com and Rooftop Media that you can listen to for free on Spotify. We’re applying for grants and bouncing around big, crazy ideas like comic books and vinyl records and festivals and we just wrapped a special production where we told stories with a 35-piece orchestra.

    With everything happening in the three-dimensional world, I felt like I wanted to do something special for the podcast too. Listeners like you have been a big reason why this show is a success—you share with your friends, you retell the stories you hear, you remind us that there are people out there, beyond the iron gates of Denver, that love our style of storytelling too. You deserve the best.

    So, without further ado, I’m proud to announce season two of The Narrators podcast. Yes, the first season was 60 episodes long.

    In this new season, we’re going to bring you stories to you every week instead of twice a month. Sometimes we’ll share just one story, sometimes two. Stories may come from places other than live performances. Maybe we’ll do a full hour-long episode once in a while, maybe we’ll pull old stories out of the archives. I don’t know! Tell me what you like, tell me what you want.


    Ron S. Doyle

  • The Narrators with a Full Freaking Chamber Orchestra.

    MSCO-Narrators-2015-poster1If you are one of the millions of people who have attended one of our shows and thought “I like this story, but it sure would be embettered if it had a 35-piece chamber orchestra providing some sweet orchestral jams to jack it up some,” you are in luck.

    Our next big collaboration is just a couple of weeks away, and tickets are on sale now to see The Narrators perform with the Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra in a show called Two-Way Street. MSCO and The Narrators traded music and stories, respectively, for each group of performers to respond to and the result will be an evening of true stories and majestic orchestral soundtracking!

    There are two chances to see Two-Way Street: Friday April 24th 7:30pm at Augustana Lutheran Church, and Saturday April 25th 8:00pm at the McNichols Civic Center Building as part of the Denver Music Summit. As a side note, if you are a musician or support the music scene in Denver, you should really check out ALL of the amazing programming that the Denver Music Summit is providing that weekend. We are proud to be partnering with them for a second year in a row, and we are THRILLED to be collaborating with the Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra.

    We’ve assembled a truly spectacular lineup of storytellers for this show. Here’s the run-down:

    headshotLaura Bond writes stories and essays, some of them true, as well as blurbs, quips, and hashtags. A former editor and staff writer with Westword, Laura has written for Rolling StoneUSAA, and Spin, among others. She was the 2012 recipient of the Alice Maxine Bowie Fellowship for Fiction from Lighthouse Writers Workshop, where she takes and teaches classes. Laura recently served as Director of Media Relations for the Colorado Symphony; now, she operates Laura Bond, Ink., a communications firm for non-profit and arts organizations, and sometimes works on a middle-grade novel in progress.
    ru johnson headshotRu Johnson is a writer, creative and arts advocate whose works have appeared in Denver Westword and most recently in The Denver Post where she writes regularly. Johnson owns a start-up called Roux Black Consulting that is designed to produce highly attended events and boutique creative consulting for top brands and newly established companies. She loves nail polish, ball gowns and the written word.
    Graham_headshot2Ellen K. Graham is a Denver writer.  As a playwright, she has worked with many theatre companies in the Denver area, including the Edge, Paragon, and the Denver Center.  She has received a Westword Best of Denver award, two Henry award nominations, and has been a finalist for the O’Neill National Playwrights Conference, the Shakespeare’s Sister Fellowship, and the Global Age Project.  She is the founder of the theatrical production company Feral Assembly and a co-founder of Shocking Beyond Belief! Films.
    headshot polka dotsTimmi Lasley is the host of multiple shows in Denver including: Epilogue Comedy – an alt showcase in a punk rock bookstore, and The Comedy RoomRoom which has both a monthly showcase and a popular weekly open mic. She was once described as “the raw nerve of Denver comedy.” Her mother thinks she’s very talented.
    1527125_10204909965369555_3110764422472697900_nRobert Rutherford is a writer, musician, and former co-host of The Narrators in Denver. Robert has built a career out of storytelling, from his work in the museum world as an educator and multimedia producer to his work with The Narrators. His writing has appeared in the Onion’s AV Club, The Donnybrook Writing Academy, and Birdy. He is currently working on launching a chapter of The Narrators show in San Diego.
    RonDoyle-Manger-Sept2012-350px-squareRon S. Doyle is the co-host of The Narrators Denver and long-time producer and champion of podcasting in Denver. He is a former at-risk school teacher and administrator who now runs a creative communications agency, Waterday Media, and wrangles two precocious daughters with his wife in southeast Denver.
    We hope to see you there!
  • A Grand Gesture, Part 2

    A Grand Gesture, Part 2

    Episode 60: This episode, the second of a two-part series on the theme “A Grand Gesture,” features stories from comedian and educator Debbie Scheer and The Narrators’ newest co-host, Erin Rollman. These stories were recorded live at Buntport Theater on February 18, 2015.

    Our next live event in Denver takes place on April 15, 2015 at 8:00pm. The theme of the evening will be “The Flame.” See you there!

    Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).