Tag: Kevin O’Brien

  • This Wednesday in Denver: “DIY or DIE”

    This Wednesday in Denver: “DIY or DIE”


    Join us for an evening of stories on the theme “DIY or DIE.” Here’s the lineup:

    Sean Michael Cummings (Shakesbeer)
    James Laurie (Flobots, NOENEMIES)
    Adrian Mesa (3-Course Comedy, “Those Who Can’t”)
    Rae Moore
    Kevin O’Brien (Arguments & Grievances)
    Jordan Wieleba (Something Fabulous)

    …and your host, Erin Rollman. We’ll have beer and wine available for donation (CASH ONLY). See you there!

    717 Lipan Street




  • 17 June 2015: “WTF”

    17 June 2015: “WTF”

    BUNTPORT, 17 JUNE at 8:00PM:

    Your ex-boyfriend won a Tony Award for writing an off-Broadway play with a plot that feels uncomfortably like your life. You thought you were living in a post-racial society. You learned the foxtrot and tango while drinking whiskey. Mind-controlling wasps. Smart refrigerators. Botox for poodles. You get the idea. Join us for an evening of stories that make you think, WTF?! As always, we have a superhuman lineup of storytellers:

    Christie Buchele (Empty Girlfriend)
    Jordan Doll (Crush City)
    Kitten Karlyle
    Kevin O’Brien (These Things Matter, Arguments & Grievances, Service Stories)
    Ellen Nordberg (Stories on Stage)
    Adam Stone (Screwtooth, Cabal)

    …and your host, Erin Rollman, navigating us through the X-Files evidence warehouse that is her everyday life. We’ll have beer and wine available for donation (bring cash). See you there!

    717 Lipan Street

  • Tonight!! The Narrators on “Authority”

    The Narrators’ March show is tackling the theme of Authority, and we’ve lined up storytellers from Denver and beyond to relate their tales of subversion, domination, expertise, and powerful uniforms. Here’s the batting lineup:

    Erin Rollman – Member of Denver’s finest troupe of drama provocateurs at Buntport Theater

    Jim Norris – Owner of Three Kings Tavern and Mutiny Information Cafe

    Andie Lyons – Manager of Community Programs at Colorado Youth Matter, opera singer

    Ed Ward – Host of Stories, Stories, Bring Your Stories at the Mercury Cafe.

    Ru Johnson – Writer (just look her up, she has stuff all over – including The Denver Post and Westword), arts advocate, nail polish enthusiast.

    Keith Garcia – Programming Manager at SIE Film Center

    Amber Tozer – Los Angeles based comedian

    Kevin O’Brien – comedian and co-host of These Things Matter podcast

    Your faithful hosts Andrew Orvedahl and Robert Rutherford will also be on deck for hand-wringing, awkward conversations, mic-testing, and chair-moving. 8PM at our beloved Deer Pile in the heart of Denver Colorado. See you there, sweetums.

  • 5: Trespass

    The January episode of The Narrators, with stories by Ed Ward, Ellen Graham, Nick Gossert, Melanie Karnopp, Matt Baetz, Mike Sjerven, Kristin Rand, Kevin O’Brien and Matt Zambrano.

    You may notice the lack of formal introduction, as well as intro and outro music, and I’ve decided to trim that away for a while.  This podcast is a labor of love amid many labors of love, and unfortunately I don’t have the time to always add the bells and whistles.  That said, I think the content of this episode speaks for itself.