Tag: Emma Weisfeld

  • 100: The Best of the First 100, Part 1

    100: The Best of the First 100, Part 1

    Well, we made it to 100 episodes of this lil’ podcast!

    To celebrate, we’ve asked the hosts of our Denver and San Diego shows to share some of their favorite stories. This week we’ll present a couple of stories selected by Ron Doyle and Erin Rollman, the co-hosts of The Narrators Denver.

    Ron Doyle chose a story by Emma Weisfeld that she shared at our “Siblings” show in December 2015, and Erin Rollman chose a story by Timmi Lasley that she shared at our “Crushed” show in August 2015.

    Thank you for continuing to support the podcast and for coming out in droves every month to our live shows. We are still so in love with the power of the community that this show has built and we look forward to sharing another 100 episodes with you.

    Our June shows, in which we will explore the theme “Ink,” are incredibly nigh, so mark your calendars:

    Tuesday, June 14th in San Diego at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern, 8PM. FREE

    Wednesday, June 15th in Denver at Buntport Theater, 8PM. FREE

  • This Wednesday in Denver: “Siblings”

    This Wednesday in Denver: “Siblings”


    When you were three years old, she stranded you on the coffee table for an hour because you really truly believed that the carpet was lava. You haven’t spoken to him for 6 months because he’s entered into a really disturbing racist-like-Morrisey phase. You shared a bed when you were little and still feel a little empty when they’re gone. Tonight, for our final show of 2015, we bring you stories about “Siblings.” The cast of storytellers:

    Laura Bond (Writer, Rolling Stone, Spin, Lighthouse Writers)
    Adam Cayton-Holland (Comedian, “Those Who Can’t”, The Grawlix)
    Steph Gustafson (Activist, retired nonprofit wizard)
    Chella Negro (Singer/songwriter, Chella & The Charm)
    Ellen Trachman (Attorney, Trachman Law Center)
    Emma Weisfeld (The Narrators, Audible/Rooftop Media)

    …and your host, Erin Rollman, the living embodiment of the imaginary sister we all daydreamed about. We’ll have beer, wine, and 2016 POSTERS (!) available for donation (CASH ONLY). See you there!

    717 Lipan Street



  • 69: Emma Weisfeld, “Almond-Butter Sticky Fingers”

    69: Emma Weisfeld, “Almond-Butter Sticky Fingers”

    We have an exciting announcement to share with you! We have found a Southern California home for The Narrators. Starting September 8, The Narrators San Diego will take place every 2nd Tuesday of the month at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern on beautiful El Cajon Boulevard at 8pm. Click here for more information.

    Today’s story comes from Emma Weisfeld and was recorded live at Buntport Theater on 20 May 2015. The theme of the evening was “Nature vs. Nurture.”

    Our next live event in Denver takes place at Buntport Theater on 19 August 2015 at 8:00pm. In honor of the High Plains Comedy Festival, we will be featuring stories exclusively by stand-up comedians. The theme of the evening will be “Crushed.” See you there!

    Special thanks to Erin Rollman for engineering help on this episode. Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).

  • 20 May 2015: “Nature vs. Nurture”

    20 May 2015: “Nature vs. Nurture”

    BUNTPORT, MAY 20 at 8:00PM:

    You’re living in a dystopian future without oil where everyone drives inefficient vehicles and plays propane-powered guitars. Your mother always made you wear green but purple was your thing. Sometimes you just want to sit in your underwear, licking the peanut butter lid. You’re teaching a Scandinavian boy named Oddvar how to be a grifter. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. We have an AMAZING lineup of storytellers tonight, talking about Nature vs. Nurture:

    Anna Seregina (Terrified Podcast, Bridgetown)
    Aaron Urist (Crush City)
    Jordan Wieleba (Something Fabulous)
    Anthony Crawford (Talkin’ Shop)
    Emma Weisfeld
    Katie Schluter
    MacKenzie Keller

    …and your host, Ron Doyle, wearing checkered chef pants and a look of general panic. We’ll have beer and wine available for donation (bring cash). See you there!

    717 Lipan Street

  • 55: Family Secrets, Part 1

    55: Family Secrets, Part 1

    This episode, the first of a two-part series on the theme “Family Secrets,” features stories from Emma Weisfeld and comedian Nathan Lund. These stories were recorded live at Buntport Theater on November 19, 2014.

    Our next live show takes place on February 18, 2015 at 8:00pm—the theme of the evening will be “A Grand Gesture.” See you there!

    Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders). Special thanks to Josh Johnson for technical assistance on the night of the show.