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Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley

Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people

20 May 2015: “Nature vs. Nurture”

BUNTPORT, MAY 20 at 8:00PM:

You’re living in a dystopian future without oil where everyone drives inefficient vehicles and plays propane-powered guitars. Your mother always made you wear green but purple was your thing. Sometimes you just want to sit in your underwear, licking the peanut butter lid. You’re teaching a Scandinavian boy named Oddvar how to be a grifter. OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. We have an AMAZING lineup of storytellers tonight, talking about Nature vs. Nurture:

Anna Seregina (Terrified Podcast, Bridgetown)
Aaron Urist (Crush City)
Jordan Wieleba (Something Fabulous)
Anthony Crawford (Talkin’ Shop)
Emma Weisfeld
Katie Schluter
MacKenzie Keller

…and your host, Ron Doyle, wearing checkered chef pants and a look of general panic. We’ll have beer and wine available for donation (bring cash). See you there!

717 Lipan Street