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Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley

Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people

17 June 2015: “WTF”

BUNTPORT, 17 JUNE at 8:00PM:

Your ex-boyfriend won a Tony Award for writing an off-Broadway play with a plot that feels uncomfortably like your life. You thought you were living in a post-racial society. You learned the foxtrot and tango while drinking whiskey. Mind-controlling wasps. Smart refrigerators. Botox for poodles. You get the idea. Join us for an evening of stories that make you think, WTF?! As always, we have a superhuman lineup of storytellers:

Christie Buchele (Empty Girlfriend)
Jordan Doll (Crush City)
Kitten Karlyle
Kevin O’Brien (These Things Matter, Arguments & Grievances, Service Stories)
Ellen Nordberg (Stories on Stage)
Adam Stone (Screwtooth, Cabal)

…and your host, Erin Rollman, navigating us through the X-Files evidence warehouse that is her everyday life. We’ll have beer and wine available for donation (bring cash). See you there!

717 Lipan Street