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Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley

Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people

85: Amy Lisewski, “My Brother’s Brother”

We’ve wrapped up our live shows for 2015. Thank you to all of you in Denver in San Diego and beyond who have helped to make 2015 one of our best years yet. We’re looking forward to 2016, and to that end we have posted all of our themes for the upcoming year, which you can find on our Events page. We’ll be back in the new year ready for love and war and whatever else the world throws at us. In the meantime, please enjoy this story, shared at our San Diego show in December. Amy Lisewski, founder and director of Finest City Improv, told a pretty amazing tale about the true connections of family when we tackled the theme of “Siblings.”

And here’s one last call to hear from you folks out there in podcast land. If you want to get us a gift for Christmas, please consider taking a moment to rate this podcast on iTunes. It only takes 15 seconds but really does help our ranking there.

Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).