Event image

Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley

Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people

76: “Crushed”

Today’s podcast is dedicated to all of you out there in podcast land who have never attended a live show before. Our August event was so fantastic that we’re playing it here for you in its entirety, raw and mostly uncut—this is as close to the real thing as you can get. You’re going to hear stories from Erin Rollman, Dan St. Germain, Christie Buchele, Bob Meddles, Haley Driscoll, Timmi Lasley, Sam Tallent, Janae Burris, Kristin Rand, and Josh Blue. These stories were recorded live on August 19 2015 at Buntport Theater as part of an all-comedian special in honor of High Plains Comedy Festival. The theme of the evening was Crushed.

These stories were recorded live on 19 August 2015 at Buntport Theater in Denver, Colorado as part of an all-comedian special in honor of High Plains Comedy Festival. The theme of the evening was “Crushed.” Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).

The last couple of months have been really big for The Narrators and I just wanted to say thanks to all of you, our loyal podcast listeners, especially those of you who don’t live in Denver or San Diego, who’ve endured our constant plugs for shows you can’t attend. If you’re one of those folks who listens to this podcast but has never seen the live show, we want to know you! Please say hello on Facebook, Twitter, or email us.

I also want to say thanks to all of you who do come to the monthly events and show your support by throwing cash in the donation jar. Your generosity in Denver has allowed us to start paying our performers, which is huge. If you’re looking for other ways to help this show and what we do, please support our sponsors and tell them we sent you. Also, please consider giving this podcast a rating on iTunes. It takes less than one minute and really does make a huge difference in the world of podcasting.

Our next live events will be on October 13 in San Diego and October 21 in Denver. The theme will be “Creeps.” The San Diego show is still looking for a few more storytellers, so please email Robert and Mary if you’re interested. You can send them a message via our Facebook page or email them at sandiego@thenarrators.org.