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Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley

Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people

71: Christie Buchele, “Salmonella Falls”

Today’s story comes from Christie Buchele. She is the co-host of Empty Girlfriend podcast, which you should all be listening too, and she’s one of our all-time favorite storytellers in Denver. She’s that friend who always stood up for you on the playground, even when the bully was way bigger than both of you.

Christie’s story was recorded live on June 17, 2015 at Buntport Theater in Denver, Colorado. The theme of the evening was “WTF.” Our theme music is by our friend Whalehawk (aka the Grammy-nominated musician Jake Sanders).

Our next live event in Denver takes place at Buntport Theater on 19 August 2015 at 8:00pm. In honor of the High Plains Comedy Festival, the theme of the evening will be “Crushed.” We have an amazing all-comedian lineup for you, a veritable who’s who of Denver’s funniest people, including Last Comic Standing winner Josh Blue, Christie Buchele, who you will hear on today’s podcast, Janae Burris, Haley Driscoll, Timmi Lasley, Bob Meddles, Kristin Rand, Sam Tallent and who knows? Maybe some special surprise guests. Be there to find out.

And don’t forget—The Narrators San Diego will debut on 8 September 2015 at Tiger!Tiger! Tavern on El Cajon Boulevard. See you there!