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Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley

Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people

34: Things I’ve Forgotten, Part 1

Part one of our search for “Things I’ve Forgotten” features stories by teenage journal-sharing show My Teenage Angst’s Megan Nyce and The Narrators’ producer Ron Doyle.  These stories were recorded at The Deer Pile on January 16th, 2013 by our good friends at The Denver Diatribe.

The intro and outro music was produced and graciously provided by Sans Seruf, and you can find more slick beats for your earholes over at his bandcamp page.

Our next show is coming up on February 20th and the theme will be “Lived/Relived” in anticipation of a show by that same name that The Narrators collaborated on with Off-Center at the Jones Theater. The show will run on three dates: March 7th, 14th, and 21st, 2014.  Tickets are now on sale. Snatch ’em up and we’ll see you there.

Thanks for listening!


One response to “34: Things I’ve Forgotten, Part 1”

  1. Roger Story Avatar
    Roger Story

    What a great idea “The Narrators”. I will be following this from now on. Wow! Things I didn’t know about my teen age daughter. I am very proud of her. I am looking forward to hearing more of her Angst’s and your programs.
