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Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley

Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people

119: Mariana Martinez Esténs, “Kiss Me”

Today’s story comes from Mariana Martinez Esténs, a marmalade fairy, yoga studio owner, and journalist based in Tijuana, Mexico. This cautionary tale about schoolyard kisses, masculinity, and hamsters was recorded live on 14 March 2017 at Tiger! Tiger! Tavern in San Diego. The theme of the evening was “Popular.”

Lucky you and lucky us, April is chock full of special events! In addition to our regular monthly shows, we’re hosting an all-artist show tomorrow, 8 April, at DINK, the Denver Independent Comic & Arts Expo at 5pm on the theme “Drawing a Line.” The show is free with admission to the expo.

On Tuesday, 11 April, we’re hosting an interactive event with Denver Zine Fest on the theme, “Firsts.” There will be stories, a mini-zine making session, and a chance to hop on stage and share your creation with the audience.

Our regular monthly shows will take place on Tuesday, 11 April in San Diego and Wednesday, 19 April in Denver. The theme will be “Jinx.”

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and here on our website for additional details. See you there!


One response to “119: Mariana Martinez Esténs, “Kiss Me””

  1. Julieta Castro Avatar
    Julieta Castro

    I love it Mariana Matamoros!
    Love your way to say everything.